(Sleep, my child, sleep)
माँ के लाडले सो जा रे
(Sleep, my dear child of mother’s love)
तेरे लिए गाती हूँ लोरी
(I sing a lullaby for you)
सुख से सोना बच्चे
(Sleep peacefully, child)
फूलों की चादर ओढ़ना
(Cover yourself with a flower sheet)
तारे गिनते हुए सो जाना
(Sleep counting stars)
नींद का राजा आकर
(The king of sleep will come)
तुम्हें प्यार से उठाएगा
(And lift you up gently)
उठो मेरे बच्चे
(Wake up, my child)
सुबह की किरणें मुस्कुरा रही हैं
(The morning sun is smiling)
पंख फैलाकर उड़ो
(Spread your wings and fly)
नई दुनिया में जाओ
(Go to a new world)
माँ का लाडला सो जा रे
(Sleep, my dear child of mother’s love)
तेरे लिए गाती हूँ लोरी
(I sing a lullaby for you)

Mother is a word which is used in place of God. And she does everything that is possible for her child. Mother, I used to recite lullabies to us in my childhood, and this is the lullaby which we will now recite to our children from our experience. Hope this will help to sleep your child (Hindi Lullaby For Your Kid).